Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Post Storm

By last night, I was pretty 'meh' on the whole hurricane thing.
Everything in the Boston area was shut down Monday, but it didn't feel
like we got anything more than some pretty strong wind gusts for a few
hours. Power stayed on the whole time. This morning, it turns out we
were just lucky. I saw two downed trees and one downed school speed
zone light signal on the way to work. A few houses down the street
were cordoned off, and a work crew was just arriving when I walked
back on the way home (so presumably, those houses have been
without power for ~24 hours).


Monday, October 22, 2012

Fact of the Day

Did you know that astro.org is the website of the American Society for Radiation Oncology? Their annual meeting (seriously, referred to as 'the ASTRO meeting') is in Boston next week.

Other astro related webpages:

astronomy.org is the website of Moravian College Astronomy

astro.net is a list of astrology links

astronomy.net is an amateur astronomy website

astro.com is an astrology website

astronomy.com is the website for Astronomy magazine