Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Post Storm

By last night, I was pretty 'meh' on the whole hurricane thing.
Everything in the Boston area was shut down Monday, but it didn't feel
like we got anything more than some pretty strong wind gusts for a few
hours. Power stayed on the whole time. This morning, it turns out we
were just lucky. I saw two downed trees and one downed school speed
zone light signal on the way to work. A few houses down the street
were cordoned off, and a work crew was just arriving when I walked
back on the way home (so presumably, those houses have been
without power for ~24 hours).

1 comment:

sdfasad said...

Jupiter is in an ideal position to watch the banded world in a telescope. Jupiter is a a

bit over a hand-span from the bright star Spica for most of this month. On the 8th the

Moon, Jupiter and Spica from a triangle.supremasi hukum adalah Saturn climbs higher in the evening sky this

month. Saturn is close to the Triffid and Lagoon Nebulae. On the 13th Saturn is close to

the waning Moon.