Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Most Idiotic NY Times Article Today ...

is this one. At least I think it is. I couldn't bear to do more than skim it.

[I'm sorry, Mr. John Tierney, did the bit about how your male offspring played with trucks while your female offspring played with dolls get cut for length?]

[10 hours later, still mad] Okay, having read more of the article, who are these totally unnamed 'critics' that, as Tierney claims, fear that a quota system for women in the hard sciences is on the way? He's not willing to quote anyone -- is that because no one actually thinks that this is going to happen and he's just using the specter of quotas to scare people into ignoring the fact that his article is entirely one-sided (i.e., everyone hates quotas, don't they? therefore, women must be innately uninterested in the hard sciences).


Doug Rudd said...

What, didn't you like the title-9 analogy?

I've always felt the women's astronomy department should have equal funding as the men's. They may not write as many papers, but they have better fundamentals...

Jackie said...

Hee. Good one, Doug.

t said...

Yuck. Dumb article. I have a vague recollection of hating John Tierney for a different reason in the past, but I can't recall why now. Oh well.