Thursday, January 03, 2013


So I haven't updated in a couple of months for obvious reasons if you've been keeping up with my life. And my updates will be sporadic at best for the next few months. But to tide you over, here's some silliness involving hair. I grew my hair out for 18 months and then cut it off and donated it. How much does 12 inches of hair weigh?

As it turns out, only 2 oz., if you're me. On the other hand, if you cut out all the hair (all mine) that wrapped around the roll bar of my vacuum cleaner, it really seems to be about the same or more. (Sadly, I forgot to weigh it before discarding.


DY said...

Yes, trying to get the hair off the roll bar of the vacuum cleaner sometimes seem to take longer than vacuuming the room.

Maybe some day those Dyson folks will figure out a solution for this one!

Anonymous said...

I love this post. Lol. I just had this same issue with my vacuum the other day. It's extremely annoying, especially since I have two dogs that shed and my hair is really long and I, myself shed so much. You can imagine the extreme amounts of hair I find in my vacuum. tsk tsk.

Random Revelry said...

I thought I was the only one in the world who cuts hair out of their vacuum. It sucks but glad someone shares the pain.

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